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Fantasyfreak18 vs Madican

The Crown, the Bird, and the Joker

Skyscrapers reached for a dirty, cloud-covered sky like skeletal fingers from the grave. Decay was evident in the structures to varying degrees, some with only a few broken windows and others with their rusted girders exposed to the heavy, putrid air.

But there was life on the streets. People clad in filthy rags and robes wearing air filters to cover their faces. The strange thing was that the filters contrasted heavily with the people they adorned. Suspiciously clean and far more advanced than the primitive wooden clubs and rusted blades they wore at their sides.

The clouds twisted without warning and a bright arrow streaked downward from beyond them, falling towards the center of the city. It collided with the street and erupted in a flash that disturbed nothing except air as its occupant was released from within.

Regis stood in a world wholly different from his own. Even the people who had seen his arrival knew that much. Everything from his clothes to his bearing was alien to them. He stood not as someone broken by life, but as one who had conquered it utterly and placed it beneath his feet. Though the people of this world didn't know who he was, they wished to be of service to this one who needed nothing except his own will. His childish form did little to dissuade the presence he exuded.

Regis looked around at the gathering crowd and allowed himself a small smile. As far as he was concerned, this was how a king should be regarded. Less as a man and more of a god. Hadn't he earned that much at least?

But he had asked Lady Ink's construct to take him to a place of excitement. Whereas this world seemed more a land of despair and hopelessness. How was he to fix such a story as the starting point for his own? When he'd taken hold of the sword, he had learned of his task. To fix the Book of Stories, one tale at a time, until he'd found what was causing it to unmake itself and stopped it.

A loud roar split the air and Regis turned to see a knight clad in white leather atop a strange silver steed. It looked like no horse Regis had ever seen, or even like an animal at all. More as if metal had been bent into the form of a fancy chair on two wheels with a transparent, dark sheet of glass atop a brilliant beam of light. The one who rode it called it a motorcycle.

The knight drew a hilt-shaped object from his belt and an instant later a blade of emerald light erupted from it. His motorcycle roared and he rushed at Regis.

A lesser man would have fled. Regis was not such a man. He pulled the sword-shaped ink from his pocket and it instantly transformed into a single-edged blade. He gripped the hilt tightly and stepped into the knight's swing with his own.


The emerald sword exploded in a brilliant flare as it met Regis's blade. He hadn't even felt it hit, as if the sword was truly just light. Disappointing. His new blade however, had performed more than adequately. Truthfully he had been worried that a construct of ink might not hold up in a fight.

The motorcycle screeched to a sliding stop. Its rider eyed Regis carefully. A child had broken his sword? The blade didn't seem to be anything special, other than the fact it was free of rust. In addition his clothes were like none he'd ever seen before, but their hues were a warning.

He placed the bladeless hilt back to his side and and spoke. "Who are you that bears the colors of Winter so close to Summer lands?"

Regis lowered his blade and said, "I am Regis, the King of Heroes. Who are you that attacks royalty without warning?"

The knight was taken aback at this statement. A king? He'd never seen this child in the Court, and doubted the Winter Queen would tolerate such an upstart. And he had called himself a hero, when one hadn't risen in this land for centuries. If he truly was such, then he should have been predicted as one. He was a mystery, one the knight felt drawn to for some reason. This boy king didn't fit in to this world and that was precisely what intrigued him.

"My name is Erik," said the knight. "Champion of the Summer Court and by extension the Summer Queen. Please pardon my actions. I attacked without provocation because you wear the colors of the enemy, the Winter Court. I ask you to forgive the transgression and accompany me to speak with the Queen. Your presence here is one she will be most interested in."

"Hmm," said Regis, thinking it over. "And how do I have your word?"

"I will say it three times and make it an unbreakable oath," said Erik. "You will come to no harm. You will come to no harm. You will come to no harm."

Regis felt something settle around him that felt of both power and security. Somehow he knew the knight spoke truly. He let go of the sword and it returned to its ink form. He snatched it and slipped the talisman back into his pocket. "Very well. I will speak with your queen. How far is your Court?"

Erik pointed into the distance, where Regis could see a dark, hill-shaped shadow through the haze. "To the Summer Court, in the land of Faerie. Come, ride with me."

Regis walked up to the strange steed and looked it over. "Where exactly?"

The man reached into his clothes and extracted a medallion in the form of a Celtic knot. He handed it to Regis. "Place that on your chest and say, 'I summon thee.' It will adjust to your size as needed and bear you where I go without you needing to control it."

Regis took the medallion and examined it. He still felt no hostile intent from the knight, and so he placed it on the front of his clothes. "I summon thee," he said.

Light shone from the medallion and a thin beam of light shot from its center. The laser rapidly traced the burning outline of Erik's ride and then flared once before it vanished. And sitting in front of Regis was an identical, if a tad smaller, motorcycle. He got on and placed his hands on the handlebars. "Intriguing," he said. "A medallion that summons forth a personal steed."

"If you find that interesting," said Erik, indicating a helm like his own on the back of the bike for Regis to equip. "You're going to love Faerie."

Regis placed the helm on his head. Immediately his eyes widened when it appeared to vanish and all manner of symbols and numbers appeared before his eyes. He looked at Erik and the name appeared over the knight, including his rank and alignment to the Summer Court. Regis looked at his hand and his name appeared as well as his title, but little else.

"Never seen this sort of stuff before have you?" said Erik's voice in his ear. To Regis's credit, he did not jump.

"No," said the child hero. "It's strange, but also familiar somehow. The things being done, I've seen them performed before in similar ways."

"That's magic for you," said Erik, turning on his motorcycle. "Let's go."

Large red letters appeared in Regis's vision and a smooth female voice said, "Unidentified intruder in   local Biome. Champion Erik's presence is requested."

"I just need to make one quick stop before we enter Faerie proper," said Erik. "Sorry, duty calls."

"Lead the way then noble knight," said Regis, gripping the handlebars.

Erik's motorcycle roared in tandem with Regis's and they shot down the street. They turned the corner and vanished from sight.


Sparrow had not been having a good day. But it seemed to be getting better somehow. The stairs hadn't led to her capture at the hands of Valentine, but to a quiet and sunny field dotted with trees. Fruit trees. Apples, oranges, pears, plums, and more. She only recognized a few of the fruits, but they all looked like a feast to her famished stomach. Even with the Fortitude from the knife taking the edge off hunger, she still felt it.

Sparrow made a quick glance around, ensuring the coast was clear. Aside from the trees she didn't see anyone or anything in sight. She looked behind and the stairs were gone, with a cherry tree taking its place.

Her safety as assured as it was going to get, Sparrow climbed up into the tree and began grabbing fruit. She stuffed them into her mouth and began chewing, then nearly choked on the pits. She soon learned to eat one, spit the pit out, then move on to the next.

It didn't take Sparrow long to feel full. When someone hasn't eaten for a long time their stomach shrinks and holds less food than usual, not that she knew that. She did however know that to eat anymore would only hurt her if she needed to run.

"I'll come and go to Carterhaugh, and ask no leave of him."

Sparrow peeked out of the tree and squinted against the sun. There was a woman walking among the trees as she sang. At her side was a satchel and atop her head was a strange helm, with a clear faceplate that ended at her nose.

"Carterhaugh it is my own, my dad gave it to me. I'll come and go by Carterhaugh and ask no leave of thee."

Sparrow tensed as the person walked towards her tree. She pulled back into the darkness, trying to stay as silent as possible. The woman walked up to the tree and began to pick it over, trying to find cherries. The same ones Sparrow had just eaten.

Sparrow gripped her knife, ready to attack or run as she saw fit.

The woman continued searching, and she pressed further into the tree. If she looked up, Sparrow would be visible silhouetted against the light from the top.

She looked up. The woman took a moment to register the sight of Sparrow and said, "Who are you?"

Sparrow tensed her legs to jump out of the tree and start running when she heard a low rumble in the distance. She looked out through the leaves again and saw two motorcycles riding, no flying towards her. Even if she ran, they'd catch her easily with those things. But they'd catch her anyway if she stayed in the tree.

Though maybe, if she waited for them to get off their motorcycles, she could jump down and hijack one to escape. It was a longshot, but better than being captured by whoever these people were. She looked down, but the woman's attention wasn't on her anymore. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she glared defiantly at the incoming motorcycles.

As soon as they stopped Sparrow would make her move.


Regis was enjoying this motorcycle very much. All he needed to do was hold on and it did the most amazing things. He'd ridden horses many times, but nothing compared to this feeling of speed and breakneck turns. And even when there were obstacles or people the steed found a clear path without fail.

I want one of these, thought Regis as he and Erik emerged from the dark city and into open space. Directly ahead was a large field with trees in the distance, a stark green contrast to the mundane colors of the buildings they bordered. Set before the grass were floating silver orbs that remained motionless. When Erik approached they suddenly clicked to life and an instant later something shimmered between them. Regis and Erik passed through without incident.

"Are these steeds able to ride on grass?" said Regis, noting the field as it rapidly approached.

"Sort of. Get ready for another wonder of Faerie. We rode on the earth, now we ride with the wind!"

Regis felt the bike lurch beneath him as the wheels vanished into the steed. But rather than crashing very painfully on the ground, it flew forward without ever touching or disturbing the grass beneath. Regis's desire for one grew even more.

The trees grew larger very quickly and in mere moments Regis felt his steed begin to slow down, gently coasting into the shade towards a woman who stood by what looked to be a cherry tree. The motorcycle came to a stop and remained hovering in the air.

Erik dismounted and walked towards the woman, who glared at him defiantly. "Mary," he said. "Why did you come here? Do you want to draw the attention of Faerie?"

"I'll not be forced from my own land," said Mary. "Not without something of equal value."

"And what, pray tell, would that be?" said Erik, regarding Mary with a strange look.

Mary brought her hand to her chin. "For the only piece of land outside Faerie capable of hosting life, I can think of only one thing that would be a suitable price to sell it for. And that would be the father of the life I host."

Regis suddenly felt he should definitely not be in on this conversation. He got off his bike and walked over to the cherry tree to scavenge some fruit.

He heard the rustling of leaves and his combat reflexes kicked in. As the tip of a knife came down he knocked the wrist that held it aside and with his other hand reached up to grab the offender's other arm and yank it to the ground as he turned.

Sparrow slammed into the grass with a loud grunt, keeping her grip on the knife despite the fall. She started to get up when she felt something poke her back.

"Do not move, lest my blade slip into your heart."


This day was going from bad to worse. When Sparrow had seen the oddly-dressed kid on the motorcycle she'd thought she had a chance. Jump out, scare him with a couple slashes of her knife, and hijack his ride.

Except as soon as she'd jumped he had reacted with a fluidity and speed not even Valentine had possessed. Despite him being unarmed he had knocked her attack aside and slammed her to the ground. And to top it off, apparently he did have a weapon, which was now leveled at her back just above the heart.

Sparrow stayed very still. She couldn't attack like this, and without him being in sight she might miss with the telekinesis which would probably lead very quickly to her death. That left controlling his mind long enough to get away.

"Explain yourself ruffian," she heard from behind. "Is it common practice on this world to attack without provocation?"

He sure used a lot of big words for a kid. But kids weren't exactly known for having the strongest minds. Sparrow mentally reached out behind her and tapped into Regis's mind.

She was falling, falling, falling into an endless abyss. Aside from the most recent memories that flashed by like speedy ghosts, there was only darkness as far as Sparrow could "see." But that wasn't right! Even when she'd used this on adults, rare as it was, their minds had never felt quite so big as this.

No, not just big. Sparrow could feel a presence around her, and it was angry at the intrusion. Regis was not some kid as she'd assumed. He was far,
far more ancient  and powerful than that.. Deprived of his former strength in the real world though he was, Sparrow felt the mental strength of someone who had lived and fought for countless years, someone who called himself the King of Heroes and meant it. And right now, that King's rage was focused directly on her. She felt him gather his will and knew she could no more resist it than a fly could dictate the storm. An instant later it crashed upon her.

The abyss vanished, replaced by blinding light. Sparrow blinked rapidly and started to get up when she felt a foot kick her in the head, followed by the tip of a blade piercing lightly into her back.

"Impudent whelp," growled Regis. "As if you could command MY mind. I should let your blood for the sheer audacity."

Sparrow felt the tip of the sword dig deeper and she shouted, "Wait, wait! I'm sorry I won't do it again! Please don't kill me!"

The sword stopped. After a few moments it moved away from her. "Hmph. Thank whatever gods you may worship that I am in a good mood today. Stand and turn about."

Sparrow got up and turned as asked. She looked down at Regis, his sword still in hand and a scowl on his face. "You are not yet saved," he said. "Explain yourself, or I will exact punishment upon you." Regis flicked the blade up to point at Sparrow's stomach. "And I doubt you would enjoy it. Talk."

If Sparrow hadn't just touched Regis's mind, she would have been speechless at getting attitude from a kid. As it was she felt very interested in not getting speared today. "I was trying to take your bike, that's it. I wasn't going to hurt you, I just need to get out of here."

"Hmm," said Regis, his sword not moving. In one smooth motion he released his grip on it and grabbed the ink talisman. "Acceptable, I don't feel any untruth from your words. That means you will live through this day. But what exactly are you running from?"

This was a topic Sparrow had never spoken of to anyone. They just couldn't be trusted. But when she'd brushed Regis's mind, she'd gotten a sense of who he was in more ways than one, and vice versa. They knew each other's character better than most friends.

"A man called Valentine," she said. "I escaped him three years ago, and he's been hunting me ever since. You felt what I could do, but he can do so much more. And he won't stop until I'm back in his control."

"He sounds familiar."

Sparrow whirled and neatly tripped over her own legs. Erik looked at her and said, "Sorry if I surprised you. Guess I know how it feels to be under the control of someone else."

Regis looked at Erik and Mary standing behind the knight. "Oh? You don't serve your Queen after all?"

Erik shook his head. "Not willingly. I was once like those people you saw where we met. Dirty, always hungry, but free."

Mary stepped forward. "But every seven years, the Summer Court sends forth a host of its knights to capture young men of age. It's called the Wild Hunt. They're brought back and forced to serve. One becomes the next champion of Summer, the rest lose their life."

Erik nodded. "And every seven years, just before the Hunt, the current champion is given over to Winter, again through force. Their minds are broken and they become mere playthings for the Winter Queen. Truth be told, the Hunt is why I attacked you. The sight of Winter garb reminded me of my fate. I apologize."

Regis raised his hand in a placating gesture. "I hold no ill will against those who seek freedom. To be under the yoke of another is...infuriating." He looked at Sparrow. "That goes for you as well. I do not know who this Valentine is, but if you desire my sword for protection from him, then you have it."

"Actually," said Erik. "That is partly what I wish to speak to you about. Not long ago, mere hours before we met, a man appeared directly in the Summer Court before the Summer Queen. He called himself Riley Valentine, and in no time he became an honored guest of the Court somehow. In fact, he will ride with the Queen during the Freeze."

Mary stepped forward again. "Tonight is the night. Erik's mind will be broken by a special device to turn him from a Champion of Summer into a plaything of Winter. If that happens, he will never know freedom and my child will never know his father. Please. You appear as a child but speak as a knight, will you aid me to free him?"

Regis did not hesitate. "A king I may be, but of heroes. I swear to aid you with all the power at my disposal." He looked at Sparrow. "And this is your chance. I know some of what you can do, and if you find yourself able to be my ally, then Riley and the Summer Queen will never see the sun rise again. You will be free at last."

Sparrow only needed a moment to decide. To face Riley alone would be insane, but she had felt the depths of this kid. If anyone on this world could defeat him, Regis could. But he would need her help. Strong as his mind was, he knew nothing of psychics. If he faced Riley alone, it was him who would end up dead.

"I'll do it," she said. "I'll try to help restrict Riley as much as I can. But he has to be the first to die. If he doesn't, then none of us will survive the attack."

Erik nodded. "Understood. I'll tell you as much as I can of how the Freeze will go. Listen closely..."


Sparrow hid in an abandoned building right by the door. She peered out every now and then, glancing at a watch Erik had given her. One minute to midnight.

She knew what to do, but the thought of it gave her chills. It was the best chance they had, but only if she could overcome her own fear. If she didn't, if she hid, then she would survive. But Regis, Erik, and Mary would not give up, and they'd die for it.

Sparrow heard chanting outside. She leaned over slightly and saw a formation of six knights in red leather ride by on their motorcycles. "The first company that passes by," she whispered, repeating the mantra she'd been taught. "Stand still and let them go."

The knights vanished from sight and ten seconds later six more appeared. "The next company that passes by," whispered Sparrow, feeling her heart begin to race. "Stand still and do right so."

Ten more seconds passed, and six knights clad in green leather appeared. And right behind them were three glamorous motorcycles. "The third company that passes by, all clad in robes of green," said Sparrow hoarsely, the time quickly approaching. "It is the head one of them all, for in it rides the queen."

Of the three motorcycles, one was a brilliant white, and in front of it were ones of black and auburn. Atop the auburn was a woman in golden garb and helm, looking oddly subdued. And atop the black, was Riley Valentine, who seemed very pleased with himself.

Sparrow's body tensed. "First let pass the black Mary, and then let pass the brown." She gripped the knife and adrenaline surged. "But grip you to the milk-white steed..."

She bolted from the doorway, hurtling haphazardly towards the back motorcycle where Erik sat with a golden crown atop his head, his eyes glazed over.

"AND PULL THE RIDER DOWN!" she yelled as her hand reached for Erik to yank him off the bike.

Her hand halted in midair and her body followed suit, except her head. That was turned forcefully towards the rider of the black motorcycle, who was looking at her very eagerly.

"Ah, the little Sparrow has returned at long last," said Riley Valentine. "I have been looking for you. You are just far too valuable to let run off. Did you know that the good doctor rated your eventual potential just below my own?"

Sparrow tried to resist Riley's telekinesis, but it was futile. She was dragged through the air and passed the queen, who regarded her coldly. She came to a stop in front of Riley, whose grin grew even wider.

"Milady!" said one of the lead knights. "Do you require aid?"

The queen shook her head and shouted, "Continue on. We will be along shortly after my guest has reacquainted himself with his quarry."

"As you wish my lady," said the knights. They rolled down the street and didn't look back.

Meanwhile, Sparrow hung in midair by Riley's will. He looked at her gleefully. That sickening feeling of his mind, it would have been too much if she hadn't gotten the courage to do this whole thing. One simple statement of absolute truth. Because Regis had told her.

He would never abandon an ally.

From the opposite doorway where Sparrow had been hiding came a monstrous roar and light lanced forth as Regis erupted from the building on his motorcycle, blade at the ready. He shot at the queen, and before she could even react to the surprise attack, or alert her knights, the Summer Queen's head parted company with the body.

He was upon Riley only a moment after that. And had his target not been one of the most powerful psychics in his world, then two heads would be rolling on the ground.

But Riley had sensed something in Sparrow's mind. And it gave him warning. Even as Regis's blade passed through the Summer Queen's neck Riley's will had been hurled at him.

The telekinetic burst hurled the bike into the air. Regis relinquished his grip on the handles and jumped to skid on the road as his bike crashed. But Regis wasn't discouraged. He looked at Riley and smirked before he was yanked forward, his blade leading the way in a lightning charge. Behind him, Mary ran towards Erik.

Riley launched another blast of telekinesis and Regis was yanked out of its way. He turned around and saw Sparrow's mind latched onto Regis. He growled and thrust out his hand to send her flying.

Footsteps came from in front, far faster than he'd been expecting. Riley gathered his mind for a shockwave that would blow out Regis's eardrums. He made no gesture to alert the boy and released it.

Regis leaped to the side the instant Riley threw it and kept coming.

Riley felt Sparrow's touch on his mind and his anger turned to fury. How dare she read his mind to alert the boy! Impertinent girl! He would remind her that the gap between them was as heaven and earth.

Another instant and Regis was upon him. Riley turned and telekinetically drew his blade to clash with Regis's. This kid was strong! Much stronger than Riley had expected. But he was no psychic, and that would make all the difference.

Suddenly Riley felt telekinetic force impact with the small of his back and shove him off balance. Before he could register the dual threat Regis's sword lashed at the back of his leg and severed the hamstring, forcing Riley to drop to one knee.

Riley howled in pain, something he hadn't felt in years. Anger consumed his mind. These two bugs were making mockeries of him.

But he had a trump card. When he'd been dropped into this world, he'd picked up a piece of blank paper. Somehow he'd known what to do with it and what it could do. To write on it was to alter the world to his whims. He would force these two to their knees with that power!

Riley reached into his jacket.

"Where are you looking?" said Regis. His sword drew a swift line down Riley's back.

Riley shouted and turned to swing his sword at Regis. But lacking his leg, the blow carried no power. Regis parried the strike with ease and inverted his blade. He thrust into Riley's hand and pushed downward. The psychic's sword clattered to the ground and was yanked away by Sparrow's mind.

Riley screamed in impotent rage and yanked the piece of the Book from his jacket. "I will KILL YOU ALL."

A golden crown settled on Riley's head. He looked up at it involuntarily, and his expression turned to horror.

Erik touched the crown.

Riley didn't shout. His eyes unfocused and glazed over. His muscles no longer supported him and he fell forward with his face in the road. Every now and then he twitched involuntarily as the crown suppressed his mind.

Erik reached out, looked at Sparrow, and said, "He will never hurt you again." He touched the crown a second time and said, "By my power as King of the Summer Court, let the winds chill and lakes ice. Freeze, and break."

The crown flashed and Riley Valentine's mind was no more.

Sparrow gasped. Much as she'd hated and feared the shell of a man that now lay before her, even she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Everything that had made him even human had shattered. No matter how much her mind quested, she found nothing coherent enough to identify this person as one of the most powerful psychics.

Erik took the crown off Riley's head. Its job had been done. He looked regretfully at the man. "No one should ever suffer this fate, no matter how necessary it may have been." He gave the crown to Mary. "Take it somewhere and destroy it," he said. "It will never be used again. And bind his wounds."

Mary nodded and set to work, tearing strips of cloth from Riley's clothes to make bandages.

Erik turned to Regis, who held his sword loosely. He hadn't shown it to Riley, but the psychic's attacks had strained his body more than he'd admit. Even with a sword, he was still in the form of a child.

Erik nodded to Regis. "Thank you for your help. I don't have much to give, but if there is anything in my power, please name it."

Regis bent down and tugged the Book's page from Riley's limp hand. "There is something. Do you have another of those steeds?" He thumbed at the wreckage of his previous one. "The other one broke. And if at all possible, we'll need two."

Sparrow looked surprised.

Regis raised an eyebrow. "Unless you had other plans? This person hunting you had a page of the Book, as I just learned when I picked it up. Which means you're not from this world either, and your task is the same as mine. But if you wish to remain in this world, that is your own freedom. This story is relatively unaffected, but deeper in things will change. The next one might not even be coherent."

Sparrow thought about it and looked at Riley's immobile form. "It would be nice to stop running for once. But you're right. I have the freedom for a choice." She looked at Regis. "And my choice is to stop running. I couldn't stay here knowing that I could be helping people. So yeah, I'll come with you."

Regis nodded. He looked at Erik. "Is that acceptable?"

Erik smiled. "More than. Come. When the Summer Queen died, the Summer Court passed to me. I was unable to strike directly because of a geas, but now I am King. And I will treat my saviors as fellow royalty. We will feast and drink tonight. And come the dawn, I will begin making changes to Faerie. We have the power to aid this world, and now there is no longer a reason to hold back."

"Spoken as a true king," said Regis. He gestured to Riley. "And what of him?"

Erik sighed. "We leave him. The Winter Court will be along soon to find what became of their sacrifice. They will take him to the Winter Queen in place of me. And he will be the last. This tradition will never happen again, I swear it by my power."

Regis walked over to the Summer Queen's corpse. He removed her helm from the severed head and walked back over to Riley. He set the helm on his chest. "There will be no mistaking the sacrifice with this," he said. "I have no sympathy for one such as him." He walked over to the black motorcycle and got on. "Shall we be off?"

"Yes," said Erik. He walked to the auburn motorcycle and pulled the Summer Queen's corpse off to dump it in the road. He got on and turned the engine. Mary seated herself behind him.

Sparrow took the remaining white motorcycle. She looked it over and said, "I don't know how to ride this thing!"

Erik tapped something into his motorcycle and smiled. "Link Function enabled. Don't worry! Just hold on and I'll do the rest. To Faerie!" The motorcycles roared and they shot off, leaving behind a corpse and a shell.


Footsteps crunched on the street as an electric-blue motorcycle slowly rolled between a regiment of guards in white. Seated was a woman with a black helm, blue fire etched onto it. When she saw the bodies in the road she raised a hand.

The motorcycle and her guards halted instantly. They stood aside and the woman dismounted. She strode past the body with a golden hem laying on it to nudge over the decapitated corpse with her foot. After taking a moment to affirm the Summer Queen's death, she looked around for the head. When she found it, she grasped it by the hair and walked back to the other body.

It was still alive, she could see that. But the Crown of Winter's Touch had been used. And the golden helm left no doubt. This was her sacrifice. A slight breach of tradition, but she could look it over this once. She was in a good mood, especially with her rival in hand.

The Winter Queen gestured to Riley and her retinue moved forward. They loaded him onto the motorcycle and turned around. Silent as they'd come, the Winter Court disappeared into the night with their new toys.
Whoo this took a long time. Was originally going to do a Celtic-themed fantasy for the Fairy Tale theme, then I decided that what if I did a Celtic-themed Fairy Tale in a dystopian future where Faerie was just a word for whatever counts as nobility in this setting. Also science = magic because I like the saying, "Any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic."

You'll notice there's a big allusion to the tale of Tam Lin both when Mary is singing and when Sparrow is watching the knights of Faerie go by. Is the entire story just a retelling of Tam Lin? Hah, nope. I just wanted to use a small portion of the poem for an allusion, that's all. Same with mashing together the Wild Hunt and the tithe to Hell (Winter Court). I really like faeries is all.

The judges said that Regis's voice was inconsistent between his profile and audition, so I did my best to nail one down. The idea is that he is a big epic fantasy hero who, despite literally ending his own world, has been a hero all his life. In a world that's done nothing to earn his ire, he can't just set that aside. He can be brutal when necessary though, since making him a goofy-two shoes would be just weird for a god killer.

:iconfantasyfreak18: gave me permission to permanently disable Riley Valentine. Bit of a horrifying way to do it, especially to a psychic.
© 2011 - 2024 Madican
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FJTrickster58's avatar
XD what a fun story. I have to admire the fact that you conveyed so much while actually keeping it short and sweet and to the point (unlike mine XD)

I wonder how Terri and Regis would get on. I mean on the one hand they're both big on helping people but then there's that whole brutal killing side of his...

well I love how this was done. Really fun. Though the ending seems slightly ambiguous because while the new Summer King decalres this tradition will be no more, what the heck is he supposed to do with the winter court which will be rather upset at this. (as you hinted) It seems to me there are potentially darker repercussions waiting just beneath the surface.